9781909136380Boldface presents a collection of poetry from writer and lecturer Nasser Hussain. The book is organized into three sections: Buy and Sell and Give and Take, Rhythms, and Trivial Pursuits. The first section is marked out by a thematic concentration on the intersections between matters of identity and issues of work and labour in contemporary society. Rhythms is devoted to sonic qualities and is explicitly influenced by the character and content of a number of contemporary American spoken word practitioners like Saul Williams, Sonia Sanchez and Amiri Baraka. The final section is more conceptual and carries the ‘play’ of language to a logical extreme. Trivial Pursuits has a structural and organizational restriction based on the popular board game of the same name with poems based on the text of six randomly selected Trivial Pursuit cards. Ultimately, BOLDFACE is about fun, play, sound, and work and highlights (as writing in ‘boldface’ should), that which is most important.

BOLDFACE is available from the Burning Eye Book Store – £10.00 incl. P+P (UK only)

Nasser Hussain is a lecturer in literature and creative writing at Leeds Metropolitan University and York St John University. He has been writing and performing poetry since 2001 and completed an MA in Ontario, Canada. He performs at and comperes numerous events in Yorkshire and Northern England. His poetry is meant to be read aloud, or rather, very loud.

“Nasser Hussain’s poems mix slam chutzpah, academic smarts and experimental brio with a healthy dash of disbelieving rage.”
Rob Stanton

“Music to the eyes, Hussain’s language takes the stage of the page, giving us noisy poems that call us out to play, think, rethink, and rejoice.
You won’t sit still.”
Susan Holbrook