Hello friends, readers and supporters,

This is not an easy thing for us to write.

We have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and are raising money to continue our groundbreaking publishing activity. 

Burning Eye was founded ten years ago to publish performing poets. We published our first book in 2012. In a normal year around two thirds or more of our income comes from selling books via poets at gigs and performances. As the performance circuit has been more or less closed down for most of 2020 and 2021 this has hit us very hard and while we have cut costs and postponed or cancelled activity where we can our reserves are now gone and we are therefore crowd-funding to raise money to allow us to continue our work.

There are two ways you can support us:

1. BUY A BOOK from the Burning Eye online store at https://burningeye.bigcartel.com .  We keep a bigger cut if you buy direct from us (rather than via Amazon or a bookshop) and also pay the poets a higher royalty when you do.

2. MAKE A DONATION. Either at https://burningeye.bigcartel.com/product/make-a-donation or via our K-Fi page https://ko-fi.com/burningeyebooks If you can spare a pound or two we would be grateful.

We received no emergency funding or government support, Arts Council funding or other support of any kind during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. We were unable to apply for Arts Council emergency funding as our lead partner who handles this side of things was himself ill with Long Covid for over a year and unable to work. We have an application in with the Arts Council to help fund our 2022 programme but even if successful this will not start until April 2022. We have some tough months ahead to get through before then so are running this fundraising campaign to see us through. All money raised will be used to continue our publishing programme. Burning Eye Books is a not-for-profit organisation and the owner-partners work unpaid and have done since founding the business in 2011.

Any help is welcome so please Buy a Book or Make a Donation if you can. 


Clive, Kate and Bridget